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October 2020

Government of Japan: Indicates plans to discharge treated nuclear effluent into the Pacific Ocean, begins public consultations.


April 13
Government of Japan: Officially announces that it will start discharging treated Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea from 2023.
Late April
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO): Expresses support for the government’s decision and commits to strict safety and environmental monitoring.
Japan Nuclear Energy Research and Development Agency (JNERDA): also expresses support, saying that the technology is mature enough to ensure that the discharge will be safe.

April 2021 to 2023

Government of Japan: Mixed feelings, with the Fukushima regional government hoping for a speedy solution to the storage of nuclear wastewater, but also concerned about the impact on the local fishing industry and tourism.
Japan Fisheries Association: Strongly opposed to the discharge plan, concerned about the impact on marine ecology and fisheries.
Local environmental groups: Generally opposed to the decision to disembowel the sea and asked the government to reconsider.
Japanese public: Opinion is polarised. Some support the government’s decision as the only way to solve the problem, while others are concerned about the environmental and health impacts and demand that the government withdraw its decision.


Government of Japan: (Assuming) Continued readiness to emit and stated that international regulations and supervision will be strictly followed.

Translated with DeepL